Are you a real music lover? Then surely you want to enjoy the music without your hearing being damaged. The Black series reusables are especially developed for music lovers.
Thanks to the flat attenuation filter the sound is evenly attenuated in all frequencies. This ensures that the sound is not distorted but instead gets better.
ShopDo you enjoy touring on your motorbike or driving around in your convertible? Then it is important to protect your ears against the high noises. The White series products can also be used when you work in the industry. The Custom Made White series products have a progressive attenuation filter, which means the filter attenuates more in the high than in the low tones.
During work or while touring on the motorbike it is important to be able to communicate well with your environment. The custom made hearing protectors have a perfect seal in the ear. This allows you to experience optimal wearing comfort and you can still communicate well with your environment.