Bands & Orchestras

Would you like to have custom made hearing protection for your band or orchestra? We will visit you on location during a rehearsal evening or a joint meeting. Together we will find a suitable date so that one of our specialists can visit you. After taking the molds it takes 5 working days till delivery. Surprisingly fast!


Music schools & Training institutes

Do you, as a school, want to offer students the opportunity to have custom made hearing protection? We come to the location of music schools and training institutions. In accordance with the number of registrations, we agree on a suitable date at which we can visit. After fitting it takes 5 working days till delivery. This will enable your organization to protect your students amazingly quickly!


Our earplugs

Are you a true music lover? Then you want to enjoy the music without incurring hearing damage. The dOb custom made Black series has been specially developed for music lovers.

The dOb custom made Black series is ideal for visiting festivals, concerts or a night out. This custom made hearing protector is also an amazingly suitable product for the musician. This custom made hearing protector has a perfect fit in the ear. This allows you to experience optimum wearing comfort while being able to continue communicating well with your environment. The flat attenuation filter ensures that the sound remains intact by muting evenly in all frequencies.
