Black series

From € 49,50

9 dB


15 dB


20 dB


25 dB


White series

From € 24,95



20 dB


25 dB



€ 12,50




Black series

Comfortable. Upgradable.


Are you a real music lover? Then surely you want to enjoy the music without your hearing being damaged. The Black series reusables are especially developed for music lovers.

Thanks to the flat attenuation filter the sound is evenly attenuated in all frequencies. This ensures that the sound is not distorted but instead gets better.

The reusables by dOb provide great protection and are comfortable to wear. We’ve designed the dOb reusables in such a way that the transition from reusable to custom-made hearing protection is made easier. The filters of the reusables can be transferred to the custom-made hearing protectors.

As such, you can use your set of reusables in every desired situation by easily changing the filter.


Do you enjoy touring on your motorbike or driving around in your convertible? Then it is important to protect your ears against the high noises. The White series products can also be used when you work in the industry. The White series products have a progressive attenuation filter, which means the filter attenuates more in the high than in the low tones.

Not only do they provide good protection but it also increases optimal wearing comfort.

Thanks to the unique design of the dOb filters you can scale up from a reusable to a custom-made hearing protector without problems. The dOb filters can be easily replaced so you can use one set of reusables in all kinds of situations.

This means you can adjust your hearing protection to the situation you are in.



White series

Comfortable. Upgradable.


Reusable Foam

Comfortable. Natural sound.


The dOb foam has been developed for general industrial use and music events. As one of the few in the market, the dOb foam contains a filter. Normal non-filtered disposable foams damp sound excessively and isolate the wearer from his environment, which can lead to unsafe situations.

The dOb foam is comfortable to wear for a longer time and easy to put in the ear. The dOb foam offers natural sound with good speech intelligibility and ensures complete noise reduction to safe listening levels.

The ergonomic ‘one size fits all’ foam with closed cells reduces pollution, making it possible to clean the earplugs and use them several times before disposing them.
